When Should You Get Massage Therapy?

By: Ben Crabtree When should you get massage therapy or bodywork? The question comes up a lot more than you might think. People ask whether they should get massage therapy in the morning, afternoon, or the evening. They want to know if they should come in for massage...

Massage For Health And Fitness

By: Lydia Hernandez The New Year has come and the resolutions have been made. The number one resolution is usually to get into better shape or improve your health. Keeping one or both of those resolutions would be great but we probably all agree that it’s pretty...

Treating Athletes Using Massage Therapy

By: Robert Vignoli Over the past ten years it has become more common to find massage therapists treating athletes using massage therapy. The therapeutic advantage of massage not only eases the pain in sore muscles, but actually strengthens an athlete prior to a game...